
Showing posts from January, 2016

January 11-22 / 11-22 de enero

  8 th GRADE- We are learning three different verbs: -to like, -to delight, - to prefer Practice  the conjugation of these verbs: Preferir (-to prefer) yo prefiero tu prefieres el/ella prefiere ellos/ellas prefieren nosotros preferimos Gustar (-to like)                                        Encantar (-to delight) *a mi me gusta                                       *a mi me encanta *a ti te gusta                                           *a ti te encanta *a el / ella le gusta                                  *a el/ella le encanta *a ellos / ellas  les gusta                         *a ellos/ellas les encanta *a nosotros nos gusta                             *a nosotros nos encanta Videos on these verbs: Gustar: Encantar: Preferir: HOMEWORK- *Study your notes every night. *Review the vocabulary on this unit. *PROJECT DUE-FEBRUA